Allotments in Maidstone

Allotments in Maidstone

Sand Rd

Welcome to the Maidstone Allotments Website.

We have 11 sites across the urban area of Maidstone, over 700 plots of varying sizes  – Our Sites page gives all details, with photos of plots.

There are waiting lists for plots on all our sites currently, so please contact our secretary, details on Contact page, to request a plot, please advise which site is best for you.

The land is owned by Maidstone Borough Council but is managed on a voluntary basis by Maidstone Allotments Management Committee, MAMC, with the splendid and much needed help of reps and volunteers on sites. 


AGM 2024 Agenda

Our AGM will be on Thursday 11th July 2024. 

Please click on the logo below to download\view the agenda for the AGMAGM 2024 AGM

AGM 2023 Minutes

Our AGM will be on Thursday 11th July 2024. 

Please click on the logo below to download\view the minutes from the 2023 AGM:AGM 2023 Minutes

Change to contact details for MAMC office

Please note that the contact details for our office\secretary have now changed.  Please could we ask you to update your records. 

The new number is: 07907 181742
The new postal address is:

PO Box 1455
ME14 9DN

We are back on Facebook

We have now re-opened our Facebook page

Please visit:

Interested in an allotment plot?

If you would like to enquire about having a plot, please email our secretary to be put onto the waiting list.

Please visit the Contact Page for more details.



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Contact the website editor

Ben Kirby looks after the website on behalf of MAMC.  If you notice anything wrong or have ideas for content, please email our secretary and she will pass on your email to Ben.