Allotments in Maidstone

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply for a plot?

Once you have decided which site you are interested in please contact us with your full name, address and contact telephone number (preferably including a landline number) and then your name will be added to our waiting list.  You must be a resident paying council tax to Maidstone Borough Council.                                                                                                                   Contact - 01622 664528 or via e mail at  See Contact Us link.  

                                                                                                                                                            How big is a plot and how much will it cost?    

A full size plot, 10 rods is 2700 sq ft.  90 x 30 ft.                                                                   Currently - 2020/21 we charge £7.50 per rod for the plot, including water.  Our Square hill site has no water - so the cost here is £5.50 per rod)                                                                            Our prices vary from year to year but only increase vary slightly.                                               There is also  a £25 key deposit for access to the allotment site.      

I am new to allotments.  How much time do I need to spend on it?

We estimate you need to devote a minimum of  7 hours a week to the plot to keep it in good order during spring and summer.  In winter a couple of hours a week may be enough.

Can I put up a shed, greenhouse or polytunnel on my plot?

This isn't usually a problem so long as it does not interfere with your neighbour or block or be too close to any pathways. Concrete base not allowed and size is limited.  Written confirmation is needed from the Committee, so please contact your site rep/manager.  Please check your Tenancy Agreement.

Do all sites have parking facilities?

No, so when applying for a plot this is something you may need to take into consideration. The sites that have spaces while you are working on your plot are Glebe, Loose, Rocky Hill, Sandling Road and Upper Fant.

Can I keep livestock on my plot?

No. As set out in our Byelaws laid down by Maidstone Borough Council it is forbidden for any plotholder to keep livestock, including poultry, pigs, rabbits or bees.

New Plotholder's Guide - a brief summary of main points in Tenancy Agreement for beginners.
Our aim is for you to enjoy your plot and the produce you grow on it, but you do need to work on it as advised (it isn't as easy or quick as the television programmes make it seem!).  Also observe the rules for the good of all on the rest of the site.  Full details are in the tenancy agreement. These are the answers to questions often asked:

Site representative/manager is the first point of contact - details here and on site noticeboards.  Check these noticeboards for other information too.

  • Padlocks on site gates - not to be left in open position; key to be taken out only when padlock is closed.  Gates must be locked after entry and exit.
  • Shed/greenhouses allowed, but you must consult the site rep/manager first for rules and position.
  • No plastic or carpet allowed for weed suppressing. No tyres.
  • No communal tipping area on the site - weeds must be composted or bagged up and removed responsibly in line with local regulations.  Plots must always be cultivated to a minimum 75%.
  • Bonfires only allowed between 01 October and 31 March.  Please consider your neighbours re wind direction.
  • Nothing to be brought onto the plot that is not for the purpose of growing - tempting though it can seem that something might be useful!  Check with site manager if unsure.
  • We encourage and like to see your children learning to grow fresh produce, but you must ensure that they stay on your plot and within your sight.  Allotment sites are not play areas and can have hidden hazards - their safety is vital and your responsibility.
  • Paths around plots are communal and must be jointly maintained with your neighbouring plot holder.  Paths must not be undermined by digging away at the edges or weed killing.
  • Use water wisely and adhere to any restrictions advised at any time.  Best to obtain rain water from your shed or greenhouse, nothing better.  If using water from tanks, using a watering can is best for accurate watering.
  • A tenancy agreement and invoice will be sent to you.  The agreement must be signed and must be returned by the due date, two weeks after renting the plot, together with the payment, to confirm your tenancy of the plot.  The Tenancy Agreement must be adhered to.
  • We produce newsletters several times a year, and have open meetings with progress/finance reports in June and our Awards evening in October/November each year.
  • Allotment land is owned by Maidstone Borough Council and managed voluntarily by Maidstone Allotments Management Committee.
Running an allotment is quite a commitment - requiring regular weekly effort (but the rewards are great!).  

If you would like to have an allotment plot please contact us - using the details below, we will record your details and contact you when a plot available.                 

Your name, address, post code, e mail address and a contact telephone number are all required before we can proceed.   These are protected under our GDPR policy.